Clean Energy for all Europeans package
by Maarja Meitern, Consultant, Bax & Company The Clean Energy for All Europeans package agreement was reached by EU policymakers in December…
by Maarja Meitern, Consultant, Bax & Company The Clean Energy for All Europeans package agreement was reached by EU policymakers in December…
by Stella Arapoglou, Project Manager, Vrije Universiteit Brussels – VUB A prosumer is someone that both consumes and produces a product. While…
by Rebecca Hueting, Deep Blue, project dissemination team After our first months of work, time has come to take stock of the…
On 29th of July the WP5 members joined the meeting in Madrid, coordinated by Miguel Fontela who started introducing tasks and work to…
The WP5 team, composed by Pilot Sites leaders and main technology partners, will meet in Madrid next 29th of July at Exeleria’s headquarters….
On 14th of May 2019 the first Consortium meeting took place at the Green Energy Park Zellik in Brussels. After mutual presentations, morning…
We are glad to announce that RENAISSANCE project website and the related social media profiles are now online! Explore all the contents and…