
What’s new in Jette?

Get to know the EnerJettic project and the new devices that are installed in the student housing.
Stella and Shary will show you Campus Jette from a new perspective.


Get to know the EnerJettic project and the new devices that are installed in building A

  • VIDEO 1: Where does this energy initiative come from?

    The aim of the ENERJETTIC project at VUB campus Jette was to engage the students from building A with fun challenges, to show that it’s very easy to save energy on a daily basis.

  • VIDEO 2: What is EnerJettic and what can I gain from it

    Throughout the year we provided students with tips&tricks, involved them in quizzes on  energy knowledge and set up small online competitions where participants were awarded with sustainable prizes and results were compared with university peers.

  • VIDEO 3: What devices have been installed in my room and what are they used for?

    The focus was on learning how to easily save electricity and showing the impact of daily activities on the environment. Data on energy consumption have been gathered to learn how VUB can improve its dorm room buildings to become more energy efficient. Such data have shown what incentives on energy saving are effective and how VUB could become a 100% energy neutral campus in the future.

Students voted for the logo

Here the winner!

Enerjettic Option B

Fill out the RENAISSANCE survey

In spring 2020 we distributed the questionnaire across a wide basin of respondents, receiving more than 200 answers from all across Europe. With the second launch we collected more answers from people living in the pilot sites and their vicinities, in order to assess specific factors of acceptance of RENAISSANCE solutions and of Energy Communities in general.

Open the final version of the Glossy Report with results from all pilot sites and find out how Energy Communities can reshape the European energy system!

Glossy Report

Connect today!

Open Enerjettic’s social media pages and find loads of tips on how to reduce you own energy consumption in a fun and easy way. With every monthly theme, a new challenge was organized. Learn all about them by following our social media channels:

Sign-up, start the game and get your first reward!

In 2021-2022 a bigger competition was launched for building A, in which students could join the race to become the VUB champion on energy saving