July 21, 2019 / Category: Internal Meetings

Kick off Meeting in Brussels 14th May 2019 – short report

On 14th of May 2019 the first Consortium meeting took place at the Green Energy Park Zellik in Brussels. After mutual presentations, morning discussions focused on project main goals, work package breakdown and individual partners contributions to assigned activities. The project officer Mr. Juan Ramon de las Cuevas opened the morning session with remarks and expectations from the European Commission.

At mid-day a fresh lunch-break was served and silence was definitely broken.

During afternoon a fruitful discussion on “The future of LECs” took place: the session was actively moderated by Rolf Bastiaanssen (BAX) who involved the following panel:

  • Micolaj Jasiak DG Energy
  • Cédric Brüll : TWEED, Cluster Technologie Wallonne Energie environnement et Développement durable
  • Peter Van Den Heede: ABB
  • Laura De Deyne: Vlaamse Regulator van de Elektriciteits-en-Gasmarkt
  • Sven Lankreijer: Gemeente Eemnes

At the end of discussions a coffee break was served and incredibly all coffee cups remained intact. When the project Coordinator Mr. Thierry Coosemans launched the sign, all 35 participants were invited to participate in the Pilot Site tour at the VUB Brussels Health Campus.

On their arrival at the Hospital main entrance the site’s energy configuration was shortly described. Then the group visited main energy assets and installed equipment. Consortium members were given time to raise questions and get acknowledged about current distribution grid, energy sources management and stocking.

Click here to read more about Brussel Pilot Site or scroll the image gallery and get to know us better!


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