June 5, 2023 / Category: Project Updates

BRIDGE case studies report 2022

by Rebecca Hueting, dissemination leader at Deep Blue Italy

BRIDGE case studies report 2022

Case study #2 Vehicle-to-Grid to support grid stability and RES integration

We are glad to announce that a set of RENAISSANCE solutions have beein included in the latest BRIDGE case studies report 2022. We hereby include a short quote from the report, which can be downloaded from the BRIDGE website.

Local energy planners and local policy makers need planning tools analysing and combining various emerging technologies such as storage and EVs. At the planning stage, the technical design of a coupling and synergies among energy vectors, storage and electromobility requires an anticipation of future energy consumption at the local level, of the
ever-increasing electrification end uses (e.g., electromobility, desalination, heat pumps, etc.), and more generally of the future deployment locally of renewable generation. This analysis of possible energy technology combinations requires to consider the non-technical constraints impacting the local energy system. This is usually carried out in the preliminary tasks of each project (see for example MUSE GRIDS D1.1 “Catalogue for technologies that enable grid interactions”; the pilot sites requirements in RENAISSANCE D2.2) or in ad hoc regulatory analyses (e.g. RENAISSANCE D6.5 Regulatory Barrier analysis).

BRIDGE Case Study #2

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