Pilot Sites

Córdoba, Argentina



The RENAISSANCE project collaborates with two replication sites in Argentina. One is located at the Reserva Tajamar, 30 km away from Córdoba, the other one is the Brinkman community located 300km away from Córdoba. The collaboration between RENAISSANCE and the two communities is supported through the local facilitators and stakeholders, such as the university of Cordoba, the municipality of Alta Gracia, the Grupe Canter and Nova Vektors. Both Reserva Tajamar and the Brinkman community are typical residential neighborhoods in Argentina with the aim to increase the usage of renewables. They have followed the development of regulations for Energy Communities in EU closely and want to investigate how these learnings could be applied in the Argentinian context. Since December 2021, RENAISSANCE is actively collaborating with the sites and the MAMCA
workshops will take place around mid-July 2022 with energy end-consumers and other stakeholders.

To this aim, the local energy systems are analyzed and suggestions for local energy communities are provided and discussed during the workshop. The MAMCA workshop considers the local technical and regulatory barriers and gives insight into the more socially accepted organizational model for the energy communities.


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