May 19, 2022 / Category: Events, Internal Meetings

Policy Workshop and ESG Meeting in Brussels on the 31st May

by Rebecca Hueting, dissemination team @Deep Blue Italy

With the aim of collecting informed feedback from policy makers and our external stakeholder group members, we are organising a Policy Workshop and ESG Meeting in Brussels on the 31st May 2022.

RENAISSANCE has entered the final project phase: our approach has been tested and validated in European and International pilots and we are currently refining our interactive tools. To enable effective cross-exchange, the event will be in person only, meaning that no online participation or streaming will be set-up. We invite Policy Makers, project ESG members and all people with energy background interested in exchanging experiences and best practices in the establishment of local energy communities.

All participants are welcome to register for a single or both sessions. After the event we’ll offer all participants a Networking Cocktail on the VUB Campus terrace!

Event details

Policy Workshop | after an extensive regulatory analysis covering all countries of pilot and replication sites of the RENAISSANCE project, we are now developing policy recommendations that we plan to validate through a structured feedback exchange session with all invitees.

ESG meeting | awareness raising gamified challenges, consensus building workshops, preliminary design of local energy systems and grid management tools: thanks to the data collected in several pilot and replication sites, we could feed a full set of interactive tools. Let us know how Energy Communities could benefit joining our user-testing sessions. You feedback will help us refine the tools before they go public!

Draft Agenda

  • 13:30 – 15:30 Policy Workshop | Bax&Company
  • 15:30 -17:00 ESG Meeting and role play | Deep Blue Italy
  • 17:00 – 19:00 Networking cocktail | VUB


When reserving your place, remember to select the session/s of interest. Due to limited capacity, we will follow the first come first served rule: reserve you seat now!


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